Getting Started
You can get a private secure mesh cluster up and running with nothing more than a couple of Lilygo T-Deck devices! At any time, you can add more mesh communicators, mesh nodes, experiment with antennas and LoRa amps, and much more.
Remember, you can always take the easy route and let us build your cluster or devices.
Set Up a Simple Cluster
Purchase 2 (or more) T-Deck+ devices
T-Deck Plus is available on Amazon, AliExpress, or Rokland for ~$90. If you are not in the US, you may need to purchase the 868 version of T-Deck+. Check here to find out.
If Amazon is out of stock, you may be able to purchase from Lilygo, but be aware that shipping may be slow and subject to duty tax.
Purchase Compatible SD Cards
Soon, micro SD cards may be optional on T-Deck, but they are still required at the moment. T-Deck is very picky about SD cards, so to be safe, purchase one from this list.
Using an SD card allows you to backup your cluster config, as well as save wear on the T-Deck’s flash memory.
A good option from Amazon is this PNY card.
Install ChatterBox T-Deck Firmware & Onboard Devices
Each device in your cluster needs to have the ChatterBox firmware. You can download the ChatterBox firmware for free.
With firmware installed on all devices, you’ll just need to onboard them to your new cluster. You can follow along with the instructions/video below:
Bonus: Add Node(s) to Extend Your Cluster!
Purchase T-Beam Supreme(s)
T-Beam Supreme is available on Amazon, AliExpress, and Rokland for ~$50. You will also need to purchase an 18650 flat-ended rechargeable battery (Amazon, AliExpress).
Enclosures are also available on Etsy, or print your own.
These can extend your cluster sort of like mini-cell towers.
(Optional) Purchase Compatible SD Cards
You can experimentally run without an SD card, but they are highly recommended. T-Beam is very picky about SD cards, so to be safe, purchase one from this list.
A good option from Amazon is this PNY card.
Install the ChatterBox T-Beam Firmware & Onboard the Node(s)
Install the ChatterBox Node firmware onto the T-Beam supreme.
When you first run the node (with firmware installed), it will go straight into onboard mode.
From that point, simply choose “Onboard Device” from the root communicator. Once onboarding is complete, other devices will automatically sense and begin to use the new node.
Having trouble reaching the firmware flash page?