Building a ChatterBox

Assembly of the ChatterBox prototype involves soldering components to a ChatterBox PCB board (which conveniently has all the locations labeled), plugging in a battery, and placing things into a 3D-printed case.

I have linked the latest parts list, to give you an idea of what the v1.0 hardware platform is going to look like (subject to change). As you will see, I have gravitated toward Adafruit components, after much experimentation. Their parts have consistently proven to be of high quality. It is possible to build with cheaper components, but not a great idea in my experience so far.

Custom PCB

In order to make assembly of the ChatterBox as simple as possible, I have designed a custom PCB that allows easy soldering of off-the-shelf components that can be acquired from multiple sources. The latest iteration of the PCB and schematic is shown below. As soon as I receive FCC approval, I will make these PCBs available for purchase on this website.

Click image to download fritzing file

Latest Schematic

Assembling the ChatterBox

The current version of the 3D printable ChatterBox case is hosted at OnShape.

Full Assembly Instructions

Click image below to download PDF